Come along to our August session for game designing grrrls & women. You have to be over 13 years old but there is No upper age limit. We meet at Pervasive Media Studio/Watershed from 4.30pm-9pm-ish ~ you can drop in to the session at any time, but from 8pm it is 18+ only as we may head to the bar…
This month we would love you to play/test Kissy Kissy, the game that Constance, Claire & AJ are making with support from the UKGames Fund. Feedback will be useful as we develop it to pitch to publishers.

Bring along your own projects and ideas to get help with – if you have a laptop that is really useful so we can get more done.
We also want to take a look at the BAFTA young games designer resources and think about what we could submit to that in 2020. Check it out here: BAFTA